Starting out with Women’s Health Network, gave me a new direction in feeling better with the menopause issue. My focus became more driven on how to totally accomplish that goal. I knew that I had not been the best care taker of my body, as well as being a work driven individual, I took for granted that I was receiving all my nutrients from my food. I subscribed to their monthly vitamins.
The vitamins that I started taking were Essential Nutrients, Herbal Equilibrium, and Omega -3s. About two months into taken these supplements I could tell the difference in how I was feeling. My anxiety and heart pounding issues started being less frequent: more on that here. Through the Women’s Health Network program I started following their recommendations for eating.
Eating more salads, the right amounts of protein, and less sugar caused me to shed a few pounds while increasing my energy. I started becoming a detective to discover the reasons for menopause having so many symptoms. I found out that we do not get all of our nutrients from our food due to the soil being depleted of them through continuous cultivating. So with all the research I was doing I realized that going organic was the best. At that time my local grocery stores did not carry organic products. So I ordered online from they were great!
The increased research I did brought to light more disturbing aspects of our food and the effects that it has on our bodies. From the time we are babies food is a need and a comfort. We are bombarded today with so many processed and varieties of food. We grow up trusting and do not realize that there is more to feeding people on the production level of food than meets our eyes. Glad you joined me again for my journey into menopause. More on this subject later. Leave a comment if you would like more information or have a suggestion about a subject.