Menopause the silent foe. Back in late 2008 I had a serious bout with pneumonia. The doctor prescribed me a shot, antibiotics, and steroids. The doctor later told me that she was surprised I made it. I had to take another round of shots, antibiotics, and steroids to kick it. That was definitely a scary time for me and it took about six months for me to start recovering.
You maybe asking yourself what does this have to do with menopause(lol). During this time I also started having different issues that I thought may have been associated with the medicine or the illness. My heart would pound, feeling anxious, exhaustion, and insomnia started occurring. Realizing that it was more than the illness or the medicine. The heart pounding issue really became such a constant daily occurrence that hopelessness set in. I did some research on my symptoms and discovered “MENOPAUSE”.
Finding the was a blessing. Taking their free symptom checker helped to point me in the right direction for lifestyle changes. I will continue the menopause subject in other blog posts. Leave a comment or suggestion for further information on this subject.
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